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FSCAN is a non-profit association dedicated to encouraging the use of fire sprinklers and promoting the fire sprinkler industry throughout the state of Nebraska. The association has four membership categories with the following eligibility requirements.

  1. CONTRACTORS – Contractor members are those companies licensed to install fire sprinklers. They shall enjoy all privileges and responsibilities of membership, including voting and holding office.
    Yearly Investment - $300
  2. ASSOCIATE – Associate members are firms or corporations, which manufacture, represent, or sell automatic sprinkler devices, appurtenances, or auxiliary equipment or provide services to the fire sprinkler industry such as architects and engineers. Associate members shall not have the power to vote or hold office in FSCAN but may be appointed to serve on and/or serve as committee chairpersons on standing committees.
    Yearly Investment - $150
  3. AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION (AHJ) – An AHJ is any legal entity or person having approval authority over sprinkler installations and/or installing contractors. This includes local, state, and federal governmental and regulatory agencies, insurance standards, code and standards organizations or personnel. AHJ members shall not have the power to vote or hold office in FSCAN but may be appointed to serve on and/or serve as committee chairpersons on standing committees.
    Yearly Investment - $75
  4. INDIVIDUAL – Individual memberships are available for persons who desire to become a member of FSCAN in their individual capacity. This membership is available when an individual cannot belong to the association in other membership categories. Entities such as public schools, universities, building maintenance, etc., are included in this category.
    Yearly Investment - $75

Fire Sprinklers Save Lives

2024 FSCAN Member Online Registration

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